Happy Birthday Dad

My twin sister Shannon, dad, and mom.

My twin sister Shannon, dad, and mom.

I think I wrote my post for my mom on Mother’s day, but my dad’s birthday is in the same month as Father’s day. So, awesome, yeah.

So. My Dad. Is. Freaking. Awesome (gotta stop using that word). Thought I’d get that out of the way right now. I’m blessed to have parents that I consider to be great role models, authority figures and still regard them as best friends, too (as I said in my last post). My dad is a very logical, frank and straightforward person. That personality has not only opened my mind up to different political ideologies, even-sided conversations, it’s even saved me from making impulse buys (thank god) and a wealth of information I cannot begin to fathom. He’s also my tech buddy. I can talk to my sister about new phones, but I can talk to my dad about everything pertaining to technology. He’s the one that nudged me to start assembling my own computer (granted it was a few years ago, but I needed the nudge!). Let’s just say that our favorite outing is to Fry’s or some other electronic store and browsing the Best Buy/Fry’s/Circuit City (dead)/and other electronic ads on Sundays.

He’s also made sacrifices so that my family could live well. That is something I appreciate every day. Which is why I also try to get him to relax more often. That being said, his humor is the shit. I grew up hiding around the house with him to scare my mom (actually he still likes to do that). And for being such a tall guy he sure can sneak around a lot. And when he laughs it’s honest to goodness genuine and incredibly infectious. I’m laughing about it just thinking about it. He’s also an amazing cook. He knows how to build a sandwich and he’s like the MacGyver of cooking, TRUST me.

If you hang around me often enough you’ll hear some great stories I’ve had with him, because you’ll probably never know anyone else quite like him. And it would be an understatement to say we been through a few crazy things together.

So Happy Birthday Dad! I know you’re working (it’s Friday!), but I hope you have a chill weekend, because I know that’s excatly what you like to do. And thank you for being one of the best dads I could live with. Love you!

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